This Week in Seattle Rock
Join Christopher Walkin', Marci Roxx, and Juuuuuustin Cider, as do our best to expose the world to the thriving Rock scene of Washington state, five songs at a time! Subscribe to the podcast, and share it with all your rock loving friends! Please hit us up with artists suggestions, your love and/or your criticism, by sending us an email to ThisWeekInSeattleRock@gmail.com.
This Week in Seattle Rock
Episode 135, 06/24/22
Christopher Walkin'
Episode 135
Hello and Welcome to Episode 135!
Herewith is another June catchup episode for June releases. This Week in Seattle Rock debuts one new artist on the podcast, and Justin gives us a recent Earworm! We encourage you to become part of the Washington Rock economy by suporting your artists at live shows, buying some merch, and please introduce yourselves. Artists truly love hearing your appreciation!
Remember: You can hear Episode 135, with all the music included, on your Spotify app!
Here's who you will hear on Episode 135:
Tin Foil Top Hat DEBUT - "Rubble Man"
Queensryche - "In Extremis"
Kitty Junk - "Surfin' KJA"
AVOID - "My World"
Smokey Brights - "Ocean Sores"