This Week in Seattle Rock
Join Christopher Walkin', Marci Roxx, and Juuuuuustin Cider, as do our best to expose the world to the thriving Rock scene of Washington state, five songs at a time! Subscribe to the podcast, and share it with all your rock loving friends! Please hit us up with artists suggestions, your love and/or your criticism, by sending us an email to ThisWeekInSeattleRock@gmail.com.
This Week in Seattle Rock
Episode 131, 06/09/22
Christopher Walkin'
Episode 131
Hello & Welcome to Episode 131 - another KISW BJ & Migs Loud and Local Band of the Week Review!
We record one of these special episodes every six-ish weeks, based on KISW's output to promote their Loud & Local artists.
On this Episode we are gonna play 5 recent Loud & Local Rock artists for you, all originating from Washington state, which includes 1 artist making their TWISR debut!
Here's who you'll hear on this episode 131:
Mister Blank DEBUT - "Hungry in the Belly of a Whale"
Dead By Design - "From the Sea"
King Youngblood = "Big Thank"
Glenn Cannon & The Damage Done - "Strange Days"
Model Snake - "Shapes"