This Week in Seattle Rock
Join Christopher Walkin', Marci Roxx, and Juuuuuustin Cider, as do our best to expose the world to the thriving Rock scene of Washington state, five songs at a time! Subscribe to the podcast, and share it with all your rock loving friends! Please hit us up with artists suggestions, your love and/or your criticism, by sending us an email to ThisWeekInSeattleRock@gmail.com.
This Week in Seattle Rock
Episode 127, 6/20/22
Christopher Walkin'
Episode 127
Hello and Welcome to Episode 127!
Listen to a great Five Point interview as Rebecca Terry, lead singer of Olympia's Baby and the Nobodies, christens our inagural recording at our new Flying Fish Studio overlooking Seattle's Pike Place Market! We also ask Rebecca 15 question to get to know her better. Enjoy!
If you'd like to listen to Episode 127 with all the music included, tune into This Week in Seattle Rock on your Spotify app!